Holly Jolly Gender Roles

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That time of year is here again!! Christmas time! Now Christmas should fill every believer’s heart with love and joy when they think about snow and giving and singing and decorations and food and family. But something that you may not think about when it comes to oh-so-innocent Christmas, is implied gender roles.

They’re EVERYWHERE! In commercials, in advertisements, in Christmas specials, holiday episodes of your favorite shows. But even more jarring is these gender roles are inlaid into our own minds and followed without question.

Think about it, who bakes all the Christmas cookies in your house? Who puts up all the decorations? Most likely the answer will be a female. Except of course the outside decorations. No way is a woman going to get up on a ladder to put up the lights on the house and no way is the able-bodied man going to allow her to do it.

Who wraps all the presents? Who straps the tree onto the car? Who makes sure the gifts for the Yankee swap are bought? You get the drift. There is an implied answer to all of these questions. Whether male or female, each gender has a very specific role to play during Christmas time.

If you don’t believe me, check out this video that displays perfectly what roles would be like if they were reversed. Now tell me this looks like your everyday household.

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